
Rate limit of freekey is not respected

AoDev opened this issue · 4 comments

AoDev commented

I am monitoring a couple of addresses with a built-in rate limiter of 1 request every 10 seconds.
This is far below the current limits but I am still hitting 429 request limit reached.

Requests are limited to 5 per second, 50/min, 200/hour, 2000/24hours, 3000/week.
Max age for timestamp parameter: 30 days

Are these limits correct?

Yes, they are correct. 1 request per 10 seconds is 8640 per 24h that is a lot more than the limit.
Why not get your personal key in the Ethplorer account? It's free of charge and allows 10 rps.

AoDev commented


There is a misunderstanding. I am queuing the requests to 1 request every 10 seconds to avoid "burst". I didn't mean that I am querying continuously every 10 seconds. The app is checking balances of a few addresses every 10 minutes and I ensure that there is 10 seconds between each individual address request.

I don't create a personal key because I don't want to link wallets to identity. The point of the monitoring app I use is keeping privacy.

freekey is for development, not production. It allows burst but is limited to long periods.

For privacy, you can create your own RPC-point and proxy requests with your own key there.

BTW: to track new transactions - check the Bulk API Monitor