
Support for Magic Connect

thomashug opened this issue · 6 comments

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While still quite early, Magic Connect looks very interesting. It would be nice to have a mechanism allowing to set the connect extension instead of the OAuth extension (as described in the quick start of the @magic-ext/connect

Was pretty easy to integrate, the disconnect function just doesnt seem to work, will let you know how it goes

Hey fren, would you like to provide any example? I was able to add the custom wallet to the wallet list, and it does show up. However, when click the "Magic" wallet, it doesn't pop any magic auth/magic connect

Is there any compatibility issue when changing OAuth extension into Connect extension? I think the benefit outweighs the downside of removing OAuth compatibility since it is what Magic recommends, I'll try to make a PR for demonstration.

Was pretty easy to integrate, the disconnect function just doesnt seem to work, will let you know how it goes

I manage to make it work by changing the method into

  async disconnect(): Promise<void> {
    const magic = this.getMagicSDK()
    await magic.connect.disconnect()

Hey fren, would you like to provide any example? I was able to add the custom wallet to the wallet list, and it does show up. However, when click the "Magic" wallet, it doesn't pop any magic auth/magic connect

I found that changing the getProvider method works, but make sure to replace the other reference for the provider.

  async getProvider() {
    if (this.provider) {
      return this.provider
    const magic = this.getMagicSDK()
    this.provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(magic.rpcProvider as any)
    return this.provider


This is my code:
import { ConnectExtension } from '@magic-ext/connect';
import {
} from '@magic-sdk/provider';
import {
} from '@wagmi/core';
import { ethers, Signer } from 'ethers';
import { getAddress } from 'ethers/lib/utils';
import { Magic } from 'magic-sdk';

const IS_SERVER = typeof window === 'undefined';

interface Options {
  apiKey: string;
  accentColor?: string;
  isDarkMode?: boolean;
  customLogo?: string;
  customHeaderText?: string;
  enableEmailLogin?: boolean;
  enableSMSlogin?: boolean;
  oauthOptions?: {
    callbackUrl?: string;
  additionalMagicOptions?: MagicSDKAdditionalConfiguration<

interface UserDetails {
  email?: string;

export class MagicConnector extends Connector {
  ready = !IS_SERVER;

  readonly id = 'magic';

  readonly name = 'Magic';

  provider: any;

  magicSDK?: InstanceWithExtensions<SDKBase, ConnectExtension[]>;

  isModalOpen = false;

  magicOptions: Options;

  oauthCallbackUrl?: string;

  constructor(config: { chains?: Chain[]; options: Options }) {
    this.magicOptions = config.options;
    this.oauthCallbackUrl = config.options.oauthOptions?.callbackUrl;

  async connect() {
    try {
      const provider = await this.getProvider();

      if (provider.on) {
        provider.on('accountsChanged', this.onAccountsChanged);
        provider.on('chainChanged', this.onChainChanged);
        provider.on('disconnect', this.onDisconnect);

      // Check if there is a user logged in
      const isAuthenticated = await this.isAuthorized();

      // if there is a user logged in, return the user
      if (isAuthenticated) {
        return {
          chain: {
            id: 0,
            unsupported: false,
          account: await this.getAccount(),

      // open the modal and process the magic login steps
      if (!this.isModalOpen) {

        const signer = await this.getSigner();
        const account = await signer.getAddress();

        return {
          chain: {
            id: 0,
            unsupported: false,
      throw new UserRejectedRequestError('User rejected request');
    } catch (error) {
      throw new UserRejectedRequestError('Something went wrong');

  async getAccount(): Promise<string> {
    const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(
      await this.getProvider()
    const signer = provider.getSigner();
    const account = await signer.getAddress();
    return account;

  async getProvider() {
    if (this.provider) {
      return this.provider;
    const magic = this.getMagicSDK();
    this.provider = magic.rpcProvider;
    return this.provider;

  async getSigner(): Promise<Signer> {
    const provider = new ethers.providers.Web3Provider(
      await this.getProvider()
    const signer = await provider.getSigner();
    return signer;

  async isAuthorized() {
    try {
      const account = await this.getAccount();
      return !!account;
    } catch {
      return false;

  getMagicSDK(): InstanceWithExtensions<SDKBase, ConnectExtension[]> {

    const customNodeOptions = {
      rpcUrl: 'https://rpc-mainnet.maticvigil.com/',
      chainId: 137,
    if (!this.magicSDK) {
      this.magicSDK = new Magic(this.magicOptions.apiKey, {
        extensions: [new ConnectExtension()],
        network: customNodeOptions
      return this.magicSDK;
    return this.magicSDK;

  async getChainId(): Promise<number> {
    const networkOptions = this.magicOptions.additionalMagicOptions?.network;
    if (typeof networkOptions === 'object') {
      const chainID = networkOptions.chainId;
      if (chainID) {
        return normalizeChainId(chainID);
    throw new Error('Chain ID is not defined');

  protected onAccountsChanged(accounts: string[]): void {
    if (accounts.length === 0) this.emit('disconnect');
    else this.emit('change', { account: getAddress(accounts[0]) });

  protected onChainChanged(chainId: string | number): void {
    const id = normalizeChainId(chainId);
    const unsupported = this.isChainUnsupported(id);
    this.emit('change', { chain: { id, unsupported } });

  protected onDisconnect(): void {

  async disconnect(): Promise<void> {
    const magic = this.getMagicSDK();
    await magic.connect.disconnect().catch((e) => {

I don't actually use the code yet, as when autoconnect is on in Rainbowkit, the Magic popup automatically pops up.

Hey everyone ! Did a PR,#33, that tries to propose a version of the package with Magic connect integration and compatibility with the latest Rainbow Kit package. Please feel free to give out comments !

Added by #33. Now we can use MagicConnectConnector in v0.7.0