
Can't get this to work on OSX with a RM2

dfrey opened this issue · 5 comments

dfrey commented

I have been trying this on OSX with my brand new RM2 and there's no way to get it to work.
I added debug code and the code hangs while making the syscall
_, _, e_type, e_code, e_value = struct.unpack('2IHHi', remote_device.read(16))
in file pynput.py

I checked and the code tries to open device file: /dev/input/event0 but no such file exists on my mac when I connect my RM2. Is there anything I should enable on the RM2 for this to work?

I'm having some issues with this as well. One thing I know is that remarkable 2 actually sends screen events to /dev/input/event1 instead of /dev/input/event0.

I'm doing some experiments and might open a PR with a fix

dfrey commented

Thanks armand1m, I had actually misread the code /dev/input is on the device not on the host. I was looking for it on my mac :-*>.
I tried using event1, and I now get data, some errors on the console, and the mouse moves albeit not the way it should.
Is this what you experience with yours?

dfrey commented

Actually the problem was because of some extra logging I had added that was not working properly. It actually works pretty well. The only change I made was event1 instead event0, but there is also a symbolic link touchscreen0 pointing to event1. Is this symlink available on the R1?

dfrey commented

I had not seen the RM2 branch. Will now test it. But the master branch seems to work once you replace event0 by touchscreen0

The only change I made was event1 instead event0, but there is also a symbolic link touchscreen0 pointing to event1. Is this symlink available on the R1?

it looks like it; /dev/input/touchscreen0 is a symlink to event0 on my rM1.