
Mixed language content in notification mail

benoitjpnet opened this issue · 0 comments

From: chexpire@evolix.org
To: chexpire@benpro.fr
Subject: Recurrent failures for mail.benpro.fr expiry check
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2018 08:30:04 +0200
Message-ID: <5b8b836c58cbc_13a12ad76c7db0cc769f5@cahosting01.mail>


We had recurrent failures during excution of the following check:

SSL: mail.benpro.fr (4 erreurs consécutives)

If there is no more SSL endpoint for this domain, please disable
or delete the check by following this link:


You can handle all your checks by following this link:

The Chexpire Team

SSL: mail.benpro.fr (4 erreurs consécutives)

There is some french here.