
XPath query is incorrect for -NamedDataFilter and -NamedDataExcludeFilter

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hi Przemyslaw!

I stumpled upon your module in search of speeding up scanning eventlogs. A really appreciate your work and your article "everything you wanted to know about eventlogs".
I love the speed and the features like getting named properties back as object properties. Really cool stuff.

In order to brush up my slow filtering code, I tried to figure out how the named filters work.
I discoverd two issues

  1. If I use an array of strings inside the filter hash the xpath query gets invalid (it works fine with one value) (see issue #7)
    $XPath = Get-EventsFilter -NamedDataFilter @{ FieldName = 'Value1' } -LogName 'xx' -XPathOnly
    returns a query, which does not return expected results
    *[EventData[Data[@Name='FieldName'] = 'Value1' or 'Value2']]
  2. Similar is the case when using filters to exclude events,
    Get-EventsFilter -NamedDataFilter @{ FieldName = ('Value1','Value2') } -LogName 'xx' -XPathOnly
    *[EventData[Data[@Name='FieldName'] != 'Value1' or 'Value2']]
    The problem seems that Get-EventsFilter does not handle both cases correctly.
    For example 1
    *[EventData[Data[@Name='FieldName'] != 'Value1' or Data[@Name='FieldName'] != 'Value2']]
    seems it would to be valid.

I think I'm on a good track to deliver a fix. I hope that's ok for you.


Hello, you're more than welcome to do that! Looking forward for PR :-)