
E-mail comes through even if there are no changes

el-chazmo opened this issue · 7 comments

Not sure if this is possible - but is there a way that you can NOT send an e-mail if no changes happened?
If this is running every hour - there's no need to know that nothing changed.

In the Legacy version (1.7.X) which you are using currently no. In 2.X that is in master probably that can be added. However, for per hour verification, I would stop using it the way you do.

You should use forwarding and use the on Event version.


In the legacy version, only Teams, Slack, Discord, and SQL were supported and on each event, notification was sent. In new version which is currently in Preview, it's also possible to send to email. It's also possible to have different priority on events based on defined parameters (like sending "user was added to Domain Admins to different Teams Channel, different email). I've to yet write a blog post about 2.0.X with explanation on how to use it, what features it has and probably fix a few bugs but should be out soon enough.

I'll add the switch to not send an email if there are no events however I was always worried that this can quickly get out of control. For example, if SMTP stops working you won't notice...

Completely understand what you said about SMTP not working.
This is when Monthly / Weekly etc reports are useful.
The whole point in hourly reports is for security. If someone is added to certain security groups for example, we should know about it as quickly as possible.

I understand. Do you have Teams. Slack or Discord?

Unfortunately not. We use our own internal chat - Rocketchat

Ok, this will be added as part of 2.0, maybe 1.7.x will get it as well, it shouldn't be a big deal to add that. But in 2.0 you should switch to using per event rather than using hourly scan. Per event basically triggers sending email only when an event happens. There's no scan going. You would need forwarding enabled thou.

I understand. I'll look into the forwarding the events into SQL. Thank you again for your speedy response

This has now been added to 1.8.1. Please add SendMailOnlyOnEvents = $true

$ReportOptions = @{
    JustTestPrerequisite  = $false # runs testing without actually running script

    AsExcel               = $false # attaches Excel to email with all events, required ImportExcel module
    AsCSV                 = $false # attaches CSV to email with all events,
    AsHTML                = $true # puts exported data into email directly with all events
    SendMail              = $true
    SendMailOnlyOnEvents  = $true
    OpenAsFile            = $true
    KeepReports           = $true # keeps files after reports are sent (only if AssExcel/AsCSV are in use)
    KeepReportsPath       = "C:\Support\Reports\ExportedEvents" # if empty, temp path is used
    FilePattern           = "Evotec-<currentdate>.<extension>"
    FilePatternDateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd-HH_mm_ss"
    RemoveDuplicates      = $true #

Update-Module PSWinReporting
Update-Module PSSharedgoods (fixes some issue with SQL)

Version 2.0 is still in progress.