
Report for - Create / Delete / Modify Organizational Units

PrzemyslawKlys opened this issue · 2 comments

Needs work:

    ADOrganizationalUnitChangesDetailed = [ordered] @{
        Enabled = $false
        Events  = @{
            Enabled     = $true
            Events      = 5136, 5137, 5139, 5141
            LogName     = 'Security'
            Filter      = @{
                'ObjectClass' = 'organizationalUnit'
            Functions   = @{
                'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType'
            Fields      = [ordered] @{
                'Computer'                 = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                   = 'Action'
                'OperationType'            = 'Action Detail'
                'Who'                      = 'Who'
                'Date'                     = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                 = 'Computer Object'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName' = 'Field Changed'
                'AttributeValue'           = 'Field Value'
                # Common Fields
                'RecordID'                 = 'Record ID'
                'ID'                       = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'             = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'          = 'Gathered LogName'
            SortBy      = 'Record ID'
            Descending  = $false
            IgnoreWords = @{}

Will be added in 2.0.10

This is the final definition that covers Create/Delete/Modify/Move.

    ADOrganizationalUnitChangesDetailed = [ordered] @{
        Enabled        = $true
        OUEventsModify = @{
            Enabled          = $true
            Events           = 5136, 5137, 5139, 5141
            LogName          = 'Security'
            Filter           = @{
                'ObjectClass' = 'organizationalUnit'
            Functions        = @{
                'OperationType' = 'ConvertFrom-OperationType'

            Fields           = [ordered] @{
                'Computer'                 = 'Domain Controller'
                'Action'                   = 'Action'
                'OperationType'            = 'Action Detail'
                'Who'                      = 'Who'
                'Date'                     = 'When'
                'ObjectDN'                 = 'Organizational Unit'
                'AttributeLDAPDisplayName' = 'Field Changed'
                'AttributeValue'           = 'Field Value'
                #'OldObjectDN'              = 'OldObjectDN'
                #'NewObjectDN'              = 'NewObjectDN'
                # Common Fields
                'RecordID'                 = 'Record ID'
                'ID'                       = 'Event ID'
                'GatheredFrom'             = 'Gathered From'
                'GatheredLogName'          = 'Gathered LogName'
            Overwrite        = @{
                'Action Detail#1' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was created.', 'Organizational Unit Created'
                'Action Detail#2' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was deleted.', 'Organizational Unit Deleted'
                'Action Detail#3' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'Organizational Unit Moved'
                #'Organizational Unit' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'OldObjectDN'
                #'Field Changed'       = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', ''
                #'Field Value'         = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'NewObjectDN'
            # This Overwrite works in a way where you can swap one value with another value from another field within same Event
            # It's useful if you have an event that already has some fields used but empty and you wnat to utilize them
            # for some content
            OverwriteByField = @{
                'Organizational Unit' = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'OldObjectDN'
                #'Field Changed'       = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', ''
                'Field Value'         = 'Action', 'A directory service object was moved.', 'NewObjectDN'
            SortBy           = 'Record ID'
            Descending       = $false
            IgnoreWords      = @{}