
DateTime/DateFrom doesn't work properly for Find-Events

jmcarthurcorr opened this issue · 6 comments

The module needs more complete documentation to disambiguate what DateTime format the module is expecting. Supplying a DateTime object is not recognized by the function and results in an output of
[Info] Getting events for dates to
and no output is produced.

This is for V2

$DateStart = (Get-Date).AddDays(-1)
$DateEnd = Get-Date

$Events = Find-Events -Report ADGroupMembershipChanges -Servers 'AD1' -Verbose -DateFrom $DateStart -DateTo $DateEnd
$Events | Format-Table -AutoSize

It requires DateTime object. DatesRange is predefined text and it has Accepted values: PastHour, CurrentDayMinusDayX, CurrentDayMinuxDaysX, Last7days, CurrentMonth, CurrentDay, Last3days, Everything, PastDay, CurrentQuarter, PastMonth, PastQuarter, OnDay, CustomDate, CurrentHour, Last14days

But I'll limit that, as it doesn't make sense to have all od that.


But I see a problem. There is a bug. I'll fix it.

Thanks for the super quick response.

I'm using DateTime objects - here's a more verbose sample of what I'm running into

PS C:\> $start = get-date 04/15/2019; $end = get-date 04/17/2019
PS C:\> $start.GetType()

IsPublic IsSerial Name                                     BaseType
-------- -------- ----                                     --------
True     True     DateTime                                 System.ValueType

PS C:\> Find-Events -Report ADUserLockouts -DateFrom $start -DateTo $end -Servers $servers
[Info] Preparing reports: ADUserLockouts
[Info] Preparing servers list - defined list
[Info] Computer DC1 added to scan Security log for events: 4740
[Info] Computer DC2 added to scan Security log for events: 4740
[Info] Computer DC3 added to scan Security log for events: 4740
[Info] Computer DC4 added to scan Security log for events: 4740
[Info] Computer DC5 added to scan Security log for events: 4740
[Info] Computer DC6 added to scan Security log for events: 4740
[Info] Getting events for dates  to
Update-Module PSWinReportingV2 -Force

Should be fixed now. I've made last minute changes before the article and haven't checked everything. Thanks for understanding.

Installed the new version. Bugfix appears to be successful. Thanks!