
Tabs switching with multiple tables on each tab fails

PrzemyslawKlys opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi @opustecnica,

I think we didn't fix it - your query selector only finds first value and uses that, but it doesn't work for all data tables that are visible, so it fails on all other tables.

try {
var table = document.getElementById(tab.id + "-Content").querySelector('table[id^="DT-"]');
if (table) {
$("#" + table.id).DataTable().columns.adjust().responsive.recalc();
} catch (e) {
console.log('No datatables available.');

It's easy to reproduce:

Import-Module .\PSWriteHTML.psd1 -Force
$Process = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 30
$Process1 = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 5
$Process2 = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 10
$Process3 = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 10
Dashboard -Name 'Dashimo Test' -FilePath $PSScriptRoot\Output\DashboardEasy.html -Show {
Tab -Name 'First tab' {
Section -Name 'Test' {
Table -DataTable $Process -Filtering
Section -Name 'Test2' -Collapsable -Collapsed {
Panel {
Table -DataTable $Process1
Panel {
Table -DataTable $Process1
Section -Name 'Test3' {
Table -DataTable $Process -DefaultSortColumn 'Id'
Tab -Name 'second tab' {
Panel {
Table -DataTable $Process2
Panel {
Table -DataTable $Process2
Panel {
Table -DataTable $Process3 -DefaultSortIndex 4 -ScrollCollapse
} -Online

I think I fixed it.

var tabs = tabbis.init({
tabGroup: "[data-tabs]",
paneGroup: "[data-panes]",
tabActive: "active",
paneActive: "active",
callback: function (tab, pane) {
// console.log("TAB id:" + tab.id);
// console.log(pane.id);
// console.log(tableid);
// this makes sure to refresh tables on tab change to make sure they have buttons and everything
// it's a bit heavy as it touches all tables, may require some improvements in future to consider
// which tab has which table
function resizeTable(table) {
try {
$("#" + table.id).DataTable().columns.adjust().responsive.recalc();
console.log('Resized table with id ' + table.id);
} catch{
console.log('Failed to resize table with ' + table.id);
try {
var table = document.getElementById(tab.id + "-Content").querySelectorAll('table[id^="DT-"]');
} catch (e) {
console.log('No datatables available.');
// in theory should take care of removing local storage for tabbis
// some errors occurs if the local storage is not cleaned after a while
window.addEventListener("unload", tabbis.remove, false);

This should do the trick

Just saw this. I have a few work related items that need addressing immediately and I will check on the solution.

I'm pretty confident I fixed it :-) But do verify ;-)