
Underlined space when using -Collapsable

whoot opened this issue · 5 comments

whoot commented

Hey, thanks for the fix of the "Missing space character when using '-Collapsable'" issue.
However, the space gets unerlined now:


I'd be happy to attempt this if you can point me to the file that has this. I attempted to find the fix that was mentioned in the issue, but couldn't find where it was addressed.

It's in the last else:

New-HTMLAnchor -Id "show_$RandomNumber" -Href 'javascript:void(0)' -OnClick "show('$RandomNumber');" -Style $ShowStyle -Text ' (Show)'
New-HTMLAnchor -Id "hide_$RandomNumber" -Href 'javascript:void(0)' -OnClick "hide('$RandomNumber');" -Style $HideStyle -Text ' (Hide)'

Basically what needs to be done is one needs to remove space from -Text field on lines 121 and 122 and move that into line 120 (basically add space to $HeaderText instead.

New-HTMLAnchor -Name $HeaderText -Text $HeaderText -Style $HeaderStyle

I guess better looking would be only link to Hide/Show word without () but that's a bit harder. You would probably need to write New-HTMLTag -Tag a and all that stuff to build a better version of it.

Closing. Will release fix this weekend with some other stuff probably.

Thanks, Tuxhedoh for help!