
New-HTML -FavIcon

xlrod opened this issue · 9 comments

xlrod commented


I've added the -FavIcon parameter to New-HTML to allow for favicons for the dashboards.



$Table = Get-Process | Select-Object -First 5

New-HTML -TitleText "Test-Dashboard" -FavIcon "$PSScriptRoot\138544-interaction-assets\png\file-2.png" -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\Test-Dashboard.html" {
    New-HTMLTable -DataTable $Table

Is there any type of validation I should add aside from an if statement with a Test-Path?

if(Test-Path -Path $FavIcon){
    New-HTMLTag -Tag 'link' -Attributes @{rel = 'icon'; href = "$FavIcon"; type = 'image/x-icon'}

I was thinking of doing the Test-Path with -Filter for allowed favicon formats.


Well, it needs to support:

  • standard "filesystem" files which then needs to be converted to binary format
  • https:// link

I wonder how to give people a choice to convert https links to binary format as well. If at all should be considered.

Otherwise, your implementation makes sense

How is this going?

xlrod commented

I'm going to be testing your suggestions this week.
I saw you already had a function to convert an image to binary, so I will try that first.

xlrod commented

I've added a some of your functions/code to the validation.

The parameter FavIcon is still a string, that expects the path of the image, (Eg. "C:\users\xlrod\image\icon.png") and the check is as follows:

$Extension = $FavIcon -replace ".*(?=\.)"
if ($Extension -in @('.png', '.jpg', 'jpeg', '.svg', '.ico')) {
    if(Test-Path -Path $FavIcon){
        $FavIcon = Get-Item -Path $FavIcon
        $FavIconImageBinary = Convert-ImageToBinary -ImageFile $FavIcon
        New-HTMLTag -Tag 'link' -Attributes @{rel = 'icon'; href = "$FavIconImageBinary"; type = 'image/x-icon'}
        Write-Warning -Message "The path to the FavIcon image could not be resolved."
    Write-Warning -Message "File extension `'$Extension`' is not supported as a FavIcon image."

This results in this, if the image is valid.

If the path has a valid extension, but could not be found.

If the path does not have a valid extension.

*Edit: Added a second line to display which file extensions are accepted.

what about linked .ico (https?)

xlrod commented

Will look into this.

Btw you should consider using [Uri] instead of [string]. It acts as a string when working with paths but gives you lots of options.

[uri] $Test = 'https://evotec.xyz/myfile.txt'
[Uri] $Test1 = 'C:\Users\przemyslaw.klys\OneDrive - Evotec\Support\GitHub\PSSharedGoods\PSSharedGoods.psd1'

$Test | fl

$Test1 | fl

Also for extension:


System.IO.Path has lots of other useful options.


xlrod commented

Nice! Would this work for the https links?
Changed the parameters to Uri [Uri] $FavIcon (works great!)
[Uri]$FavIcon = "https://icolink.com/components/com_djclassifieds/images/item/1/1990_ico-amazonians-green-coin_thb.jpg"

$Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($FavIcon)
if ($Extension -in @('.png', '.jpg', 'jpeg', '.svg', '.ico')) {
    switch ($FavIcon.Scheme) {
        "file" {
            if (Test-Path -Path $FavIcon.OriginalString) {
                $FavIcon = Get-Item -Path $FavIcon.OriginalString
                $FavIconImageBinary = Convert-ImageToBinary -ImageFile $FavIcon
                New-HTMLTag -Tag 'link' -Attributes @{rel = 'icon'; href = "$FavIconImageBinary"; type = 'image/x-icon' }
            else {
                Write-Warning -Message "The path to the FavIcon image could not be resolved."
        "https" {
            $FavIcon = $FavIcon.OriginalString
            New-HTMLTag -Tag 'link' -Attributes @{rel = 'icon'; href = "$FavIcon"; type = 'image/x-icon' }
        default {
            Write-Warning -Message "The path to the FavIcon image could not be resolved."
else {
    Write-Warning -Message "File extension `'$Extension`' is not supported as a FavIcon image.`nPlease use images with these extensions: '.png', '.jpg', 'jpeg', '.svg', '.ico'"



It seems to work ;)