
subfolders in ./js

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Is it possible to add all subfolders of ./js to the package creation?


Hi @krempe-20. If you use the gulp run --browserify option, you can import modules from subdirectories.

More info here and here.

The problem is: I my case, this works for the "gulp run ...", but not for "gulp create-package". The package created contains none of the imported JS files. The imports in my mains.js look like

import { FuExportConfig } from './export/FuExport.component';


As a workaround, I just created the zip file manualy, now it works after uploading the zip into the live system.

Ah, gotcha. I neglected to mention that this option should work with the create-package task too. For example: gulp create-package --browserify --view CENTRAL_PACKAGE.


ajtag commented

I tried gulp create-package --browserify --viewI MYVIEW, same result. The subdirectories in ./js are not include.