
Update to Node 14+

Closed this issue · 12 comments

The librarians I support want to be able to run primo-explore-devenv directly rather than relying on me all of the time. The instructions say to use Node 10, but even Node 12 is almost end-of-life (see https://endoflife.date/nodejs).

For me, I can always install any version of Node, even if I have to hold my nose to do it. My librarians will need approval from our Desktop Support IT section to install Node, and must install a currently maintained version.

I have experimentally determined that Node 14 and 16 do work, at least on MacBook Pro where "brew link node@16" is an easy change.

Knowing you were able to make the newer versions work was most helpful. I was able to update to Node 14 but 16 didn't work for me. Node-sass in particular was problematic. I eventually had to install n to switch from 16 (installed via brew) to 14 and Xcode so I could install python2. After that, rebuilt node-sass. I'm not that familiar with Node so there's probably better ways. This was on a MacBook Pro with Apple M1.

I figured out a way to update things, and also make them compatible with ES6. I need to do some maintenance on it, but that's the gist.


That is very interesting - I speculate that since there will be AngularJS 1.8 soon that Ex Libris may try to update for ES6 and TypeScript to lay the ground work to update to Angular 4+.

@ianchan, I cannot reproduce a successful build with Node 16. I think I must have preserved node_modules sub-directory and then just run gulp run --view ... Now I also error out building node-sass.

At a recent webinar, another PrimoVE customer suggested nvm. We are constrained to run Windows, so I looked at nvm-windows, but this will require administrative rights. The solution is for ExLibris/Clarivate to support primo-explore-devenv better.

I agree with you all. There are many people (#138) who want this support from Ex Libris--how do we escalate the issue out of Github?

I'm escalating to Primo product management, also please join the Slack here and bring up those concerns https://join.slack.com/t/igelu-eluna-siwg/shared_invite/zt-1g2nga2vn-Of0i1ZVg77RYbgOJrOej8w (will expire in 7 days)

I am running the devenv successfully on Node v14 (v14.20.0). Am I missing something?

The instructions clearly say for installation Download and install the Node version 10.15.3

This may be as simple as updating documentation, but would be good to know that it is confirmed to work.

@gloriousgeneralist, I don't think you understand the issue. The desktop security will not allow librarians to install that version. If Ex Libris is serious about supporting primo-explore-devenv, then they must support actual production node versions on an ongoing basis.

@danizen I understand the issue perfectly. My comment was directed at @ShoulM who is on the Ex Libris development team. I know someone mentioned bringing this up at IGELU and I'll also be following up again with Primo product management at our next meeting.

I opened a new branch that will support Node v16.17.0 LTS(Node-v16.17.0-(LTS)-support). So if you want to use the latest node LTS pull from that branch.
I tested it on PC and it seems to working ok (just needed to upgrade node-sass dependency).
If I don't get any issues with this branch I will merge it with the master branch in the future.