
Cannot deploy locally: ```$injector:modulerr```

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  1. I have followed all the instructions, including installing Node 16.17.0.
  2. Then as primo-explore files (primo-explore > custom > TEST), used files from https://github.com/ExLibrisGroup/primo-explore-package/tree/master/VIEW_CODE . I just wanted a working sample to start tweaking around.
  3. Added production Primo URL in config.js (https://ocul-bu.primo.exlibrisgroup.com:443)

First experienced error was a JSON parse error. Was able to bypass that by adding body = body == '' ? '{}' : body; in file 08-servers.js. (Clearly the code was not expecting an empty body here, but should have added appropriate error handling.)

Then this second error happens in the console with endless loading animation.


Has anyone been able to properly deploy it locally in recent days? Am I missing something here?