
translation handling

Closed this issue · 2 comments


I am trying to create custom translations in primo explore. I have some questions about this:

  1. What is the way to do this? Where i can add custom translations?

  2. How to get existing translations via javascript for custom components (I am only see examples with html template) ?

I have tried something like this:

var translateModule = angular.injector(['ng', 'prmTranslate']);



In debugging session i can see translation adds with setMapping function. When i get
the other way and want to get translations for id that was set with help of setMapping('...'), I am getting always an undefinied value. Is this the correct way to do it ?

Thank you for some advice.

Best regards, Paul

For the second question I have found a way with $translate to get existing translations:

 * get md tab item labels
var queryResult = parent[0].querySelector('md-pagination-wrapper');
var injector = angular.element(parent[0]).injector();
var $translate = injector.get("$translate");
var tr1 = $translate.instant("fulldisplay.command.RISPushTo");

Best regards, Paul

Hi Paul,

I am not sure what the best practice is, but here is what I do.

  1. I add a new entry for each translation mapping into one of the code tables through the Primo Back Office.

  2. I inject the $translate service into my controller and attach a callback to the promise returned by $translate() as follows. The promise seems to resolve with the translation label itself if there is no mapping for it.

     angular.module('viewCustom').controller('myController', [
       function($translate) {
         var ctrl = this;
         ctrl.$onInit = function() {
           let result;
           $translate('eshelf.signin.title').then(function(translation) {
             result = translation;
