- 5
Firefox port
#11 opened by KorigamiK - 2
Recent CodeMirror Bug
#64 opened by jpg-gamepad - 9
Compatibility status
#9 opened by pqn - 0
100% cpu when disabling the extension
#60 opened by yazansayed - 2
- 2
Please support Gitlab
#57 opened by trippinnik - 2
Github Security Lab Vulnerability Report
#52 opened by Kwstubbs - 2
Extension does not work on Colab
#55 opened by psads-git - 1
User portal url is not defined
#53 opened by li-xin-yi - 7
- 0
Add a button to whitelist current page or domain
#48 opened by erropix - 0
Support for Cloudflare Workers edit page
#47 opened by cesaryuan - 4
- 1
Direct integration with no extension
#41 opened by hatemhosny - 0
- 6
DeepNote crashes when deleting a code cell
#16 opened by li-xin-yi - 2
is monaco support broken?
#37 opened by jackb-102 - 0
Migrate to web-ext
#35 opened by mochaaP - 1
Support for
#34 opened by cnaples79 - 1
- 12
Support LiveCodes
#28 opened by hatemhosny - 1
- 1
Support for JupyterLab 4
#23 opened by robertritz - 2
Support for Dune Analytics IDE
#17 opened by rube-de - 1
Evaluate Datalore feasibility
#14 opened by pqn - 2
Not Working on Jupyter Lab 4.0.2
#20 opened by lucianosb - 3
Support godbolt's Compiler Explorer
#4 opened by glcraft - 1
I add to allow_list, but work wrong with "Uncaught TypeError: e.languages.registerInlineCompletionsProvider is not a function"
#8 opened by beiyouwuyanzu