Failed to apply fractional scailing using .xresources
prateekshukla128 opened this issue · 2 comments
hello and love from India
i am using exodia os in my laptop which requires 150% scailing
usually to change scailing in bspwm i put this in my xresources file
Xft.dpi: 150
XTerm.font: 10x20
*termFont: 10x20
Gtk.fontsize: 12
Gtk.scale_factor: 1.5
but this is not working in exodia os (i guess because it have 4 xresources files)
please help
I didn't understand you, but Xresources
files are located at ~/.Xresources.d/
if you want to change font, size, etc...
edit ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini
I am using a laptop so i need to apply system wide fractional scailing to 1.5
i do it generally by changing .Xresources file as it does the job
my question was that which file i have to change in ~/.Xresources.d/ to change my dpi font size and gtk apps scailing