
Standard connect vs express & handling cuts

CitizenBeta opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi! This package looks amazing, and I just have two questions:

  1. Is there (or could there be) documentation for creating regular connect accounts vs express accounts?
  2. What is the recommended way to take out your cut from the subscriptions you're setting up on behalf of connected accounts?
  1. Hey! Yeah, sorry for the bad docs. The createAsStripeAccount takes a type argument. Essentially you would do $model->createAsStripeAccount('standard') to create a standard Stripe Connect account for the model (user). The same goes for createOrGetStripeAccount and deleteAndCreateStripeAccount, they all take type as param with express as default.
  2. I believe this is done automatically through your Stripe dashboard. When you setup Connect, you can set what percentage you want.

Solved in #9