
What pages should this site have?

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I'm thinking these:

  • Home (Tells about the addon and who's involved)
  • Contribute (Steps to take if one wants to help)
  • Download (Where to find the addon, right now, only GitHub but in the future also the chrome webstore and hopefully Firefox too.)
  • Contributors (People who helped with this)

how about contributors?

Oh yeah. I forgot that :P

There should also be a 'Goodbye' page. (ScratchAddons/ScratchAddons#52)

yeah, also a thanks for downloading page

also maybe a index.html

@YOYITsM3M8 @Explosion-Scratch Okay lol I'm gonna try to make a nice index.html :P

Okay! I'll take those into consideration. I'm going to make a branch of this and start working.

Okay! Initial work done!