
GSoD'22 initial contact

zededasatyam opened this issue · 4 comments

Hello community,

I am Satyam Kumar, an open source enthusiast and 3rd year Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate at National Institute of Technology Hamirpur.
I have successfully completed m project for MBDyn as a developer in GSoC 2021. I wish to contribute to the documentation of the organisation this year. I have good experience of writing technical documents as I have been doing this in my previous two internships for past one year.

Please let me know how to proceed. I really hope to work with the organisation and have a great summer ahead.

Hello Satyam, if you have not already - we recommend sending a developer (@Jye, me, or deadbyte specifically) your resume and your timeline for review in the coming weeks.

Hello @maybenikhil
I am attaching my resume here

I have good experience of writing technical docs as in my past internships, I have written TCDs, but due to the company policy, I cannot share them at a public place.

As for my timeline, I am open to work from 7th of May 2022 onwards, as my exams will be over by then. I will be able t dedicate about 25 hours per week. I will surely put in some extra efforts whenever required.

PS: while creating the issue, I didn't notice I was logged in with my organisation's id (the one I am interning till mid May 2022). My personal GitHub id is: and I shall continue to chat with this id from now onwards.

Hi @maybenikhil ,
Any updates?

Hello, we are currently reviewing and selecting applicants at the moment. We will send discord/email follow ups to all applicants once we make a final pick