Advanced Treble ROM Build Script


  • This script is a custom version of build-dakkar from , With lot of optimizations, changes and adds.
  • Current Version: V1.0 (STABLE)
  • Current Stable Version: 1
  • Current Features:
    • Automaticly sync, patch and build!:
      • Faster and stable syncing.
      • Patching from HEAD, always updated, no fails.
      • Prompting and take user choice for every step.
    • Fixes some common build errors, lot of roms are supported!

Usage Info:

  • Make A Folder (Sperated location from where this is cloned) Of The Target ROM. lets say: /home/username/aex , And /home/username/adv-script/ is where Adv Cloned.
  • Navigate To aex, And Run: bash ../adv*.sh aex81 arm-aonly-vanilla-nosu-user
    • This is for making a rom for a arm-aonly device without gapps and su.
  • Run bash for commend syntax guide.


  • phhusson
  • EnesSastim
  • nathanchance