
Serialized string dropped

CipValOut opened this issue · 3 comments


I am trying to serialize data from my function, then data to be cached (due a formatting problem inside code tag I attach the code)

the not expecting behavior is the the serialized string is dropped, see attachment. Using AutoFormatter and Optimized options the string is shorter.

I have no errors serializing on debug, how can I help to track this issue?


Hi @CipValOut thank you for reporting this. Are you able to see this problem without the Azure/Telerik components? If you are able to provide a simple (or simpler 😁) reproduction I can take a look into this for you.

hi @Mike-E-angelo ,

I tried without success, I tried to rewrite with custom class like the telerik and azure but I had to give up.
I changed my code, removig Ref I didn't used the Serialize anymore.
I had to recode but I solved.


OK @CipValOut thank you for the update. If you encounter any further issues/problems please feel free to open a new issue and I can see if I can assist you. 👍