Awesome Person Re-identification (Person ReID) Awesome

Awesome person reid !!

This is a repository for organizing articles related to person re-identification. Most papers are linked to the pdf address provided by "arXiv" or "Openaccess". However, some papers require an academic license to browse. For example, IEEE, springer, and elsevier journal, etc.

🔆 Updated 2019-05-20

Table of Contents

1. Statistics

Conference Link #Total Unsupervised reID Supervised reID Person search Others Datasets
CVPR2019 will be updated soon 29 ? ? ? ? ?
ECCV2018 Click 19 4 8 4 3 0
CVPR2018 Click 31 5 23 0 2 1
ICCV2017 Click 16 7 6 1 2 0
CVPR2017 Click 16 2 9 1 3 1

2. Survey

1) "Person Re-identification: Past, Present and Future", arXiv 2016 [paper]

2) "A survey of approaches and trends in person re-identification", Image and Vision Computing 2014 [paper]

3) "Appearance Descriptors for Person Re-identification: a Comprehensive Review", arXiv 2013 [paper]

3. CVPR 2019

(not categorized yet)

1) "Joint Discriminative and Generative Learning for Person Re-identification" [paper]

2) "Densely Semantically Aligned Person Re-Identification" [paper]

3) "Generalizable Person Re-identification by Domain-Invariant Mapping Network" [paper]

4) "Re-Identification with Consistent Attentive Siamese Networks" [paper]

5) "Distilled Person Re-identification: Towards a More Scalable System" [paper]

6) "Weakly Supervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]

7) "Patch Based Discriminative Feature Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper]

8) "Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Soft Multilabel Learning" [paper] [github]

9) "Invariance Matters: Exemplar Memory for Domain Adaptive Person Re-identification" [paper] [github]

10) "Re-ranking via Metric Fusion for Object Retrieval and Person Re-identification" [paper]

11) "Progressive Pose Attention Transfer for Person Image Generation" [paper] [github]

12) "Unsupervised Person Image Generation with Semantic Parsing Transformation" [paper] [github]

13) "Learning to Reduce Dual-level Discrepancy for Infrared-Visible Person Re-identification" [paper]

14) "Text Guided Person Image Synthesis" [paper]

15) "Re-Identification Supervised 3D Texture Generation" [paper]

16) "Learning Context Graph for Person Search" [paper] [github]

17) "Query-guided End-to-End Person Search" [paper]

18) "Multi-person Articulated Tracking with Spatial and Temporal Embeddings" [paper]

19) "Dissecting Person Re-identification from the Viewpoint of Viewpoint" [paper]

20) "Towards Rich Feature Discovery with Class Activation Maps Augmentation for Person Re-Identification"

21) "AANet: Attribute Attentio Network for Person Re-Identification"

22) "VRSTC: Occlusion-Free Video Person Re-Identification"

23) "Adaptive Transfer Network for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification"

24) "Pyramidal Person Re-IDentification via Multi-Loss Dynamic Training" [paper]

25) "Interaction-and-Aggregation Network for Person Re-identification"

26) "Skin-based identification from multispectral image data using CNNs"

27) "Feature Distance Adversarial Network for Vehicle Re-Identification"

28) "Part-regularized Near-Duplicate Vehicle Re-identification" [paper]

29) "CityFlow: A City-Scale Benchmark for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking and Re-Identification" [paper]

4. Unsupervised Person Re-ID

(+ Transfer learning / Semi-supervised learning / Weakly-supervised learning)


1) "Domain Adaptation through Synthesis for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 65.7 (Single query)

2) "Unsupervised Person Re-identification by Deep Learning Tracklet Association" [paper]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 63.7 (ResNet-50. Images resized to 256x128.)
  • Summary
    • Sparse space-time tracklet (SSTT) sampling
        1. Sparse temporal sampling
        1. Sparse spatial sampling
    • Tracklet association unsupervised deep learning (TAUDL) in an end-to-end manner.
        1. Per-camera tracklet discrimination learning
        1. Cross-camera tracklet association learning

3) "Generalizing A Person Retrieval Model Hetero- and Homogeneously" [paper] [Github]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 62.2(Single query, source domain : DukeMTMC) / 56.8(Single query, source domain : CUHK03)

4) "Robust Anchor Embedding for Unsupervised Video Person Re-Identification in the Wild" [paper]


1) "Unsupervised Cross-dataset Person Re-identification by Transfer Learning of Spatial-Temporal Patterns" [paper] [Github]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 60.7(source domain : CUHK01) / 59.2(source domain : VIPeR) / 58.2(source domain : GRID)

2) "Transferable Joint Attribute-Identity Deep Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification" [paper]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 58.2(source domain : DukeMTMC)

3) "Image-Image Domain Adaptation with Preserved Self-Similarity and Domain-Dissimilarity for Person Re-identification" [paper] [Github]

  • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 58.1

4) "Disentangled Person Image Generation" [paper]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 35.5

5) "Exploit the Unknown Gradually: One-Shot Video-Based Person Re-Identification by Stepwise Learning" [paper] [Github] [Homepage]


1) "Cross-view Asymmetric Metric Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-identification" [paper] [Github]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 54.5(Multiple query)

2) "Efficient Online Local Metric Adaptation via Negative Samples for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 51.5(Multiple query) / 40.9(Single query)

3) "SHaPE: A Novel Graph Theoretic Algorithm for Making Consensus-based Decisions in Person Re-identification Systems" [paper]

4) "Stepwise Metric Promotion for Unsupervised Video Person Re-identification" [paper]

5) "Group Re-Identification via Unsupervised Transfer of Sparse Features Encoding" [paper]

6) "Unlabeled Samples Generated by GAN Improve the Person Re-identification Baseline in vitro" [paper] [Github]

7) "Dynamic Label Graph Matching for Unsupervised Video Re-Identification" [paper] [Github]


1) "One-Shot Metric Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

2) "Unsupervised Adaptive Re-Identification in Open World Dynamic Camera Networks" [paper]


1) "Unsupervised Person Re-identification: Clustering and Fine-tuning" [paper] [Github]

  • Performance
    • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 41.9 (Single query, source domain : CUHK03)

5. Supervised Person Re-ID


1) "Maximum Margin Metric Learning Over Discriminative Nullspace for Person Re-identification" [paper]

2) "Person Re-identification with Deep Similarity-Guided Graph Neural Network" [paper]

3) "Pose-Normalized Image Generation for Person Re-identification" [paper]

4) "Improving Deep Visual Representation for Person Re-identification by Global and Local Image-language Association" [paper]

5) "Hard-Aware Point-to-Set Deep Metric for Person Re-identification" [paper]

6) "Part-Aligned Bilinear Representations for Person Re-Identification" [paper] [Github]

  • Summary
    • Two stream network (Appearance map extractor, Part map extractor-OpenPose)
    • Aggregator : bilinear pooling (better than concat + Ave. pool + linear)

7) "Mancs: A Multi-task Attentional Network with Curriculum Sampling for Person Re-identification" [paper]

8) "Beyond Part Models: Person Retrieval with Refined Part Pooling (and A Strong Convolutional Baseline)" [paper]


1) "Diversity Regularized Spatiotemporal Attention for Video-based Person Re-identification" [paper]

2) "A Pose-Sensitive Embedding for Person Re-Identification with Expanded Cross Neighborhood Re-Ranking" [paper]

3) "Human Semantic Parsing for Person Re-identification" [paper]

4) "Video Person Re-identification with Competitive Snippet-similarity Aggregation and Co-attentive Snippet Embedding" [paper]

5) "Mask-guided Contrastive Attention Model for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

6) "Person Re-identification with Cascaded Pairwise Convolutions" [paper]

7) "Multi-Level Factorisation Net for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

8) "Attention-Aware Compositional Network for Person Re-identification" [paper]

9) "Deep Group-shuffling Random Walk for Person Re-identification" [paper]

10) "Harmonious Attention Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

11) "Efficient and Deep Person Re-Identification using Multi-Level Similarity" [paper]

12) "Pose Transferrable Person Re-Identification" [paper]

13) "Adversarially Occluded Samples for Person Re-identification" [paper]

14) "Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-identification" [paper]

15) "Dual Attention Matching Network for Context-Aware Feature Sequence based Person Re-Identification" [paper]

16) "Easy Identification from Better Constraints: Multi-Shot Person Re-Identification from Reference Constraints" [paper]

17) "Eliminating Background-bias for Robust Person Re-identification" [paper]

18) "Features for Multi-Target Multi-Camera Tracking and Re-Identification" [paper]

19) "Multi-shot Pedestrian Re-identification via Sequential Decision Making" [paper]

20) "End-to-End Deep Kronecker-Product Matching for Person Re-identification" [paper]

21) "Deep Spatial Feature Reconstruction for Partial Person Re-identification: Alignment-free Approach" [paper]

22) "Resource Aware Person Re-identification across Multiple Resolutions" [paper]

23) "Group Consistent Similarity Learning via Deep CRF for Person Re-Identification" [paper]


1) "A Two Stream Siamese Convolutional Neural Network For Person Re-Identification" [paper]

2) "Learning View-Invariant Features for Person Identification in Temporally Synchronized Videos Taken by Wearable Cameras" [paper]

3) "Deeply-Learned Part-Aligned Representations for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

4) "Pose-driven Deep Convolutional Model for Person Re-identification" [paper]

5) "Jointly Attentive Spatial-Temporal Pooling Networks for Video-based Person Re-Identification" [paper]

6) "Multi-scale Deep Learning Architectures for Person Re-identification" [paper]


1) "Learning Deep Context-Aware Features Over Body and Latent Parts for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

2) "Beyond Triplet Loss: A Deep Quadruplet Network for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

3) "Spindle Net: Person Re-Identification With Human Body Region Guided Feature Decomposition and Fusion" [paper]

4) "Re-Ranking Person Re-Identification With k-Reciprocal Encoding" [paper]

5) "Scalable Person Re-Identification on Supervised Smoothed Manifold" [paper]

6) "Point to Set Similarity Based Deep Feature Learning for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

7) "Fast Person Re-Identification via Cross-Camera Semantic Binary Transformation" [paper]

8) "See the Forest for the Trees: Joint Spatial and Temporal Recurrent Neural Networks for Video-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]

9) "Consistent-Aware Deep Learning for Person Re-Identification in a Camera Network" [paper]

6. Person Search


1) "RCAA: Relational Context-Aware Agents for Person Search" [paper]

2) "Person Search in Videos with One Portrait Through Visual and Temporal Links" [paper]

3) "Person Search by Multi-Scale Matching" [paper]

4) "Person Search via A Mask-Guided Two-Stream CNN Model" [paper]


1) "Neural Person Search Machines" [paper]


1) "Person Search with Natural Language Description" [paper]

7. Others


1) "Integrating Egocentric Videos in Top-view Surveillance Videos: Joint Identification and Temporal Alignment" [paper]

2) "Reinforced Temporal Attention and Split-Rate Transfer for Depth-Based Person Re-Identification" [paper]

3) "Adversarial Open-World Person Re-Identification" [paper]


1) "Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification" [paper]

2) "Exploiting Transitivity for Learning Person Re-identification Models on a Budget" [paper]


1) "Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-identification" [paper]

2) "RGB-Infrared Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification" [paper]


1) "Joint Detection and Identification Feature Learning for Person Search" [paper]

2) "Multiple People Tracking by Lifted Multicut and Person Re-Identification" [paper]

3) "Pose-Aware Person Recognition" [paper]

8. Datasets


1) "Person Transfer GAN to Bridge Domain Gap for Person Re-Identification" [paper]

  • Rank-1 (Market1501) : 38.6(source domain : DukeMTMC)


1) "Person Re-Identification in the Wild" [paper]

🔆 [Collection]


Gait-based approach

These are papers that search for "gait" and "person re-identification" in google scholar.

1) "Person Re-identification by Video Ranking", ECCV2014 [paper]

2) "Person Re-identification using View-dependent Score-level Fusion of Gait and Color Features", ICPR 2012 [paper]

3) "Enhancing Person Re-identification by Integrating Gait Biometric", Neurocomputing 2015 [paper]

4) "A Hierarchical Method Combining Gait and Phase of Motion with Spatiotemporal Model for Person Re-identification", Pattern Recognition Letters 2012 [paper]

5) "Person Re-Identification by Discriminative Selection in Video Ranking", TPAMI 2016 [paper]

6) "A Spatio-temporal Appearance Representation for Video-based Pedestrian Re-identification", ICCV 2015 [paper]

7) "Gait-Assisted Person Re-identification in Wide Area Surveillance", ACCV 2014 [paper]

8) "Person Re-identification by Unsupervised Video Matching", Pattern Recognition 2017 [paper]

9) "Swiss-System Based Cascade Ranking for Gait-Based Person Re-identification", AAAI 2015 [paper]

10) "Person Re-identification using Height-based Gait in Colour Depth Camera", ICIP 2013 [paper]

11) "Review of person re-identification techniques", IET Computer vision 2013 [paper]

12) "Person Re-identification in Appearance Impaired Scenarios", arXiv 2016 [paper]

13) "Learning Compact Appearance Representation for Video-based Person Re-Identification", arXiv 2017 [paper]

14) "Recurrent Attention Models for Depth-Based Person Identification", CVPR 2016 [paper]

15) "Towards view-point invariant Person Re-identification via fusion of Anthropometric and Gait Features from Kinect measurements", VISAPP 2017 [paper]

16) "Person Re-identification in Frontal Gait Sequences via Histogram of Optic Flow Energy Image", ICACIVS 2016 [paper]

17) "Learning Bidirectional Temporal Cues for Video-based Person Re-Identification", TCSVT 2016 [paper]
