

Primary LanguageTypeScript

  • yarn && yarn build && yarn start
  • for dev mode -> yarn dev
  • all images must be places within public folder

  • for dynamic variables like COUNT_DOWN time could be added into env file or global-config.ts

** ALL translations values can be found under lang folder in corresponding json file. ** In order to update or add a new image first of all image must be placed in public folder

  • than in global-config.ts at root import accordingly to replace example logo
  • import logo from "./public/logo.png"; -> change right side of from to update image

** all dynamic colors like background color bound to tailwindcss primary warn error etc. colors can be found under

  • tailwind.config.js if you change primary color you can directly see all places where it accesses will be changed.

** please fill env variables and global-configs (youtube link etc.) accordingly to your needs.

  • for env two variables needed
  1. NEXT_PUBLIC_TIME_TILL_DATE="2022-12-05T17:35+03:00" # COUNTDOWN END
  2. NEXT_PUBLIC_AIRDROP_SUBMIT_API="https://test-domain.com" # FORM SUBMIT API