
FindPackage not found persists

jjcasmar opened this issue · 1 comments

Imagine that you have a library which doesn't provide a FindFoo.cmake and therefore you use FooConfig.cmake. You should provide Foo_DIR for CMake to find it. If you forget to add it, CMake will complain, but if you add it after the first configuration, it will stay says that it can't be found.

The only way I've found to solve this is to remove the CMakeCache (or remove just the entries related with Foo) and reconfigure, but its really annoying to have to do this.

Is this a bug or am I using it wrong?

Regretfully, this is a CMake "feature". The variables that decide that a library was not found are cached, so next time CMake runs it doesn't need to resolve them again. Forcing CMake to ignore these variables will basically render the cache useless.
Another example is changing the compiler used for building. Once a compiler is detected, you cannot change it without removing the cache.