
NoThing working after make install (Ubuntu)

Closed this issue · 4 comments


Using Equalizer with Livre project

Built using Livre Cmake.

Building: OK
Running demo from build location: OK
Install in custom location, run the demo: KO

9 Initializing compression DSO /data_local/j0334308/Livre_build/lib/libPression.so.2.0.0 failed, 0 compression engines reported
Erreur de segmentation (core dumped)

Demo KO when target thee INSTALL/lib location
Demo OK when target thee BUILD_LOCATION/lib location

My feeling is some environnement variable are recorded in the lib for plugin loading.

Any idea to help me?

Is that OK now? Can I test it again?

eile commented

There is still an issue with static initialization. I'll close the bug once it works and is merged.

eile commented

For now, run from the build tree. Not sure if I'll succeed today.

eile commented

Fixed by #619