
API to orchestrate AutoVMAF jobs

Primary LanguageTypeScript


API to create, run and monitor autovmaf jobs.

Current features:

  • Possible to start new autoabr jobs.
  • Possible to run multiple autoabr jobs in parallel.
  • Monitor how long a job have been running (milliseconds) and the status i.e ACTIVE/INACTIVE.
  • Download and compile VMAF results from S3 for all measured bitrates and resolutions for a specific job.

New Autoabr workers will automatically be created if all current ones are in use. This makes it really easy to create and run jobs in parallel.



The following environment variables need to be set.

LOAD_CREDENTIALS_FROM_ENV=true // If false, it will load credentials from ~/.aws/credentials

Using an .env file is supported. Just rename .env.example to .env and insert your values.


To initialize a new AutoabrService do:

import { AutoabrService } from "@eyevinn/autoabr-api";

// initialize a new instance of AutoabrService
const autoabrService = new AutoabrService();
// register the routes

The Autoabr service is now up and running and available on port 3000.


Available endpoints are:

Endpoint Method Description
/ GET Heartbeat endpoint of service
/autoabr POST Create a new autoabr job. Provide JSON body with settings
/autoabr GET List all active autoabr workers
/autoabr/:id GET List info about a specific autoabr worker
/autoabr/result/:output/ GET Download VMAF results from S3 and compile it into JSON. NOTE: Trailing slash is not optional!
/autoabr/result/:output/:model GET Download VMAF results from S3 and compile it into JSON for a specific model
?format=csv or ?format=tsv - Optional query parameter for the /autoabr/result/ enpoints. Compiles results into CSV or TSV.
/autoabr/cache DELETE Clear MediaConvert and AWS pipeline settings cache

Example requests

Start a job

To start a new Autoabr job send a POST request to the /autoabr endpoint with :

  "encodingSettingsUrl": "s3://bucket-name/encoding-profile.json",
  "pipelineUrl": "s3://bucket-name/pipeline.json",
  "job": {
    "name": "job-name",
    "reference": "s3://bucket-name/reference.mov",
    "models": ["UHD"],
    "bitrates": [10000000, 12800000],
    "resolutions": [
        "width": 768,
        "height": 432
        "width": 1280,
        "height": 720
        "width": 1920,
        "height": 1080
        "width": 2560,
        "height": 1440
        "width": 3840,
        "height": 2160

If the pipelineUrl and encodingSettingsUrl haven't been set it will use the default settings that can be found in src/resources.

Get results

The endpoint /autoabr/result/:output/ (output is the output specified in the job payload) will download and process all resulting VMAF files from AWS and return the result. This process can take a while depending on how many resolutions and bitrates that have been measured. This means that the response from the endpoint can take several seconds.

Example JSON Response

GET /autoabr/result/job-name/

  "id": "BxTH45aRiyAAq_TBbbHqH",
  "status": "INACTIVE",
  "result": {
    "job-name": {
      "PhoneHD": {},
      "HD": {
        "1280x720_10000000_vmaf.json": 91.12216,
        "1280x720_12800000_vmaf.json": 91.12216,
        "1920x1080_10000000_vmaf.json": 97.427916,
        "1920x1080_12800000_vmaf.json": 97.427916
      "UHD": {}

Example CSV Response

GET /autoabr/result/job-name/?format=csv


Example TSV Response

GET /autoabr/result/job-name/?format=tsv

jobname	model	width	height	bitrate	score
job-name	HD	1280	720	10000000	91.12216
job-name	HD	1280	720	12800000	91.12216
job-name	HD	1920	1080	10000000	97.427916
job-name	HD	1920	1080	12800000	97.427916