
Primary LanguageTypeScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

🌐 Lambda: An open-source privacy-based alternative to traditional social media

NOTE: This version of Lambda is a prototype, it's for validating the idea, gaining traction, and testing purposes only

❓ What is Lambda ❓

Lambda is an Open-source privacy-focused social media app. It focuses not only on privacy but also on your well-being preventing you from excessive use of social media. It solves all the problems that big social media platforms have made, from privacy concerns to well-being to targeted advertisements, with just one solution.

With Lambda you can have an online experience like Facebook, X(formally Twitter), or even Instagram, but with no concerns about your privacy.

❓ Why Lambda ❓

But then why Facebook? Or why X?

Why do you use those? Why can't you use a decentralized platform like Mastodon?

But Why only those?

There are multiple reasons why not to use Facebook or X, but if you value your privacy and want to make sure that you don't get tracked and your data is shared with advertisers so that they can show you relevant ads and make you buy stuff you don't even want to. Here are the reasons why to pick Lambda over traditional social media platforms:

Organic Feed

traditional social media platforms use AI models to show you the most relevant and most highly clicked posts. Lambda has concerns about that, Lambda wants to make your online presence as healthy as it can, to prevent you from spending too much time on social media, but not entirely give up on it, lambda generates your feed using nothing more than a list of followee, this is nothing more then a list of users you follow if you are not following anyone, lambda will not generate a feed for you and you would need to follow someone to generate a feed. Lambda simply takes your followee list and gets the latest posts from each user you are following and shows you those, thus making sure you are not given promoted content, high click rate posts, or any kind of other stuff.

Non-targeted advertisements(after incorporation)

Lambda believes that advertisers have too much control over what social media users can see on a platform, they are second in control after the company itself. The majority of social media runs on ads, which makes those platforms keep their advertisers more happy than their users, this leads to methods of using users as a way of making more money.

Lambda uses a unique way to advertise and make money. It uses the same technique used by DuckDuckGo alongside the main 2 ways of advertising.

There are 2 ways an advertiser can advertise on lambda:

  1. Bidded advertisement.
  2. Click advertisement.

Bidded advertisement

This method is useful for companies with high revenue and can afford to burn cash.

In bidded advertisement, advertisers have to bid amount, their bid of the total amount determines how much of ad space they get. For Ex-

Company A wants to advertise, they are a car company, A bidded $1M, of the total amount that was raised from car advertisers, A got 10% of ad space allocated to car ads. Now every month A needs to pay 1/10th of the percent ad space they got, this would be 1%, A will pay 1% of their bid, now their budget, every month to keep their ad running.

A now get's insight into competitors, such as how much competitors are bidding, how has the highest bid in their topic, and click rate on their ads with previous performance.

Click advertisement

This method is useful for companies or startups with low revenue.

In this method, companies pay as their ads get clicked, the same usual way, except, they don't get info on competitors. For Ex-

Company B wants to advertise, they have an AI product, B's advertisement budget is set to $500K, of the total amount that was raised from AI advertisers, B gets 2% of ad space allocated to AI ads. Now B pays $0.1/click.

This method comes with loses, B doesn't get insight on how much competitors are paying and who their competitors are. No competitor insight for click advertisement.

What's ad space?

All empty white spaces next to blogs on the right are ad spaces, each blog has an ad space on its right, it's usually a small portion of the actual content so won't be that destructive.

Human mods

To moderate content no AI mods would be used, rather human mods, anyone can apply to be a mod, but new mods won't have much power to moderate content.

Moderation is in a hierarchy where the top mods can promote lower mods, lower mods can only implement policies.

There will be 4 mods, new mods, helper mods, head mods, and super mods:

  1. New mods: Every mod applying first time is a new mod, these can only report users and ban users temporarily.
  2. Helper mods: Once leveled up, helper mods can review content, all new content is firstly paused before publishing for review to make sure no content policies are disobeyed. Helper mods can't do what new mods can do.
  3. Head mods: They can do what both new and helper mods can do, and they can remove content voilating content policies.
  4. Super mods: They can only promote mods, they can't do what other mods can do, but they can level up mods and remove mods, but not add mods. They can also permanently ban users, but review is required.

πŸ” Comparison: Lambda vs. Nostr vs. Mastodon

Decentralized platforms are great, individuals create them and are maintained by their users, this means that anyone can use a decentralized protocol such as Nostr or Mastodon and build a whole new platform that focuses on decentralizing social media.

But these have their downfalls and disadvantages.

Reimagining social media

Lambda: Lambda want's to reimagine social media by making an all in one platform, that also focuses on privacy, well-being, no to censorship, human content moderators, and is community-driven.

Decentralized: Decentralized social media platforms aim to remove censorship, they are made to compete with platforms like X, and they don't tend to focus much on large scale but act as small individual entities that can be used separately. They also don't tend to add much features on the platform because each platform can have a unique feature but follows the same protocol throughout.


Lambda: Though Lambda is currently a prototype for gaining traction and validating the idea, it is planned to implement a moderation system in which anyone who applies, with certain criteria reached, will be given moderation access, this would allow the community to moderate content flow in the platform.

Decentralized: Aim to avoid centralized content moderation, but because of this approach, it can be challenging to address illegal or harmful content. This can lead to the free flow of illegal content on the platforms.

Technical Complexity

Lambda: Lambda is for now as a prototype, but once it gains traction it will be made into a fully scalable platform with proper management of technical issues. Using Lambda isn't that hard, it just requires your email, an even better option is to use an email service that creates fake emails for you to use.

Decentralized: To use nostr or any other decentralized platform it requires a high level of technical understanding. Users need to manage private keys, and wallet addresses, and understand blockchain technology. This can be intimidating and confusing for the majority of non-technical species of humans, thus limiting the platform’s accessibility.

Feature and user experiences

Lambda: As mentioned before lambda is a prototype of what the real product would be, it does not have all the functionalities of a fully functional platform. Though some features might be not available in the prototype, would be available in the production-ready version, such as community feature(from Reddit), short nuntius, Latin for message(from X), and many other features that would be added to the real product.

Decentralized: Decentralized social media platforms do not offer the same level of features and user experiences as more established, centralized platforms do. This can make it less appealing for users who are accustomed to the convenience and polish of mainstream social media networks. Also taking into account, majority of these platforms act as alternatives only to X and not the entire social media market.

Lambda wants to make your online experience better, focus on the stuff you want, not what you don't want but still keep getting.

How to contribute ❓

Lambda functions because of its users, you give the idea, we implement the idea,

its for the people, by the people, of the people

- Abraham privacy

To get started just hope over to the issue tab and write down an issue!

If it's a code solution that you might have, just use the contribute.md file

What's new?

To make Lambda a reality, lambda is following this 3 month long milestone, in which it would aim to get at least 1K users.

Why does this matter?

It matters cause this would help in many ways.

Because Lambda is a social media platform, it means that it would be competing against pre-established platforms that have a large user base and can make their users stick on their platforms for a longer time. Lambda must get's recognition, for which it needs to gain traction, by getting 1K users, Lambda plans to get help and support from those users in spreading the word about a far better social media alternative, that benefits everyone.

How can you help?

First of all, if you are reading this section, thanks a lot for showing intrest and wanting to help Lambda reach this milestone, Lambda is nothing without its users.

To help Lambda reach such a milestone, please go ahead and share about lambda to your network, share it with your friends, family members and co-workers. For every new sign up the prototype version of lambda gets, it adds more and more trust and support to Lambda.

It's more the better.

If Lambda reaches at least 1K users before October, Lambda could easily get seed funding of $5M max easily.

Once again thanks for showing support πŸ˜ƒ.


If you have any query, just drop it in issues tab.