
Feature Request: Add ability to set path of cache file

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I would like the ability to set the location of the .cache file.

This would allow me to store the cache file somewhere more convenient eg: ~/.config/bandcamp-downloader/blah.cache rather than wherever I last ran the program.

For context I run the downloader via a wrapper shell script which lives in my PATH (to save me typing out the options all the time) so the cache file gets created wherever I run the wrapper script from which is less than ideal. Being able to set the location of the cache file via a cli option would alleviate this problem.

Ezwen commented

Hi there! In theory, the cache file is not created wherever the script is run, but in the specified download folder (with --download-folder), as can be seen here:

val cacheFilePath = args.pathToDownloadFolder.resolve("bandcamp-collection-downloader.cache")

Just to be sure, isn't --download-folder enough for your case?

Ah I wasn't aware of that, that would definitely cover my use case. Thanks for the reply!

Ezwen commented

Do try and let me know if there is a problem. Who knows, maybe the cache file gets created in the wrong place in some cases − and that would justify a bug request :)