
disappearing ladder

mkotyna2 opened this issue · 2 comments

i got a bug with disappearing ladder after splash (from blood or fluids)

after put second blood mark or second fluid splashes it disappear, but when i lose it from view area and come back i see it (or relog)

when i use fluid on ladder, first one splash is not seen, and in back pack i see "full" vial but description is "empty" after use second one - ladder disappearing, vials i see like full but description is empty as well

  1. relog its all ok... ladder is there, splashes from fluids too and vials are really empty...
  2. when i do as i write up, and lose ladder place from view area - it will appear, also splashes, but vials are seen as "full" but description is "empty"

THIS IS ONLY ON OTClient and OTClientV8 - real tibia 7.72 client work well with that
my target is to repair it, and use OTC...

i was talking to Ezzz (twistedscorpio) but he dosnt have his comp with him till 12th of april..

maybe someone could share a solution with me?
i know is some of server side issue...

i read on github possible fix, but codes are different and my knowledge of that is too weak to get it done by myself...

take care all, kisses :)

Add me discord i will help you

I solved on my otclient, check my commit / pr: af42c55