
Add a way to set custom completition and keep 'keyWordCompleter' and 'snippetCompleter'

danijelz opened this issue · 8 comments

Currently the use of custom auto completion removes the 'keyWordCompleter' and 'snippetCompleter' from completers array and only 'staticWordCompleter' is used (lit-ace.js). Would it be possible to add another parameter to 'setCustomAutoCompletion' methods by which users can decide to keep the 'keyWordCompleter' and 'snippetCompleter' or maybe add methods like 'addCustomAutoCompletion' which would keep the 'keyWordCompleter' and 'snippetCompleter' and add the custom one?

F0rce commented

Hello Danijelz,

my solution for this feature request would be:

  • add a boolean parameter to addCustomAutoCompletion() for keeping the snippetCompleter and staticWordCompleter

Would that fit your request?


That would be perfect. Thanks for fast reply.

F0rce commented

this commit has been reverted!

i'm still working on those changes

F0rce commented

I think I will release the customAutoCompletion changes later today, and investigate #3 later on.

F0rce commented

one short question @danijelz

what version are you using? latest (1.1.0) or 1.0.1 ? just curious

I'm using 1.0.1 but i'll switch to 1.1.0 right now and let you know how it works...


Looks like it works the same.

F0rce commented

the customAutoCompletion Changes will be implemented in v1.1.1 (if you mean that).

I tested and closed issue. Works perfectly.