
Added the dependency but still not getting it

Closed this issue · 8 comments

I added the below dependency in pom.xml


It also have

        <!-- Main Maven repository -->

            <id>Vaadin Directory</id>
        <!-- Repository needed for prerelease versions of Vaadin -->
            <id>Vaadin prereleases</id>
        <!-- Repository needed for the snapshot versions of Vaadin -->


I reloaded the project multiple files but still this is not getting downloaded. Not sure where is the issue.

F0rce commented

Hello @vaithu,

this seems like a super odd issue and I've never seen this before. What do you mean by

its not getting downloaded

After you start / update the project once, you should be able to use It in any Java class.

import de.f0rce.ace.AceEditor;

AceEditor ace = new AceEditor()

I don't know how to investigate here. Maybe you would have to ask Vaadin support.

Have a great day,

Hmm. I refreshed multiple times and still see this


Other dependencies worked without any issues. Possibly this is not available in the mvn repository ?

F0rce commented

It is 100 % available in the mvn repository.

Could you please check the spelling of the Vaadin Add-on repository.

F0rce commented

You have the Vaadin add-on three times in your .pom file. Could you please remove one or two of them and see if the error still persists? Maybe maven has problems choosing the right repository and gets stuck in a loop (idk).

F0rce commented

@vaithu were you able to resolve your issue ?

F0rce commented

@vaithu could you try with the new version I uploaded yesterday ?

If it doesnt work, I can't really help you, unfortunately.

I will close this issue temporarily now, if you need more assist, just reopen it :)