
Show why a process is in PENDING state

Closed this issue · 2 comments

srid commented

Feature Request

When a process perpetually remains in PENDING state, allow a way for the user to see why it is in pending state.

Use Case:

Let's say a process Foo depends_on on some state of 7 other process. If Foo is pending, how does the user know which of the 7 processes is causing it to be pending?

Right now they have to look at the YAML file (or the code that generates it) and do a O(n) scan for all those processes. This doesn't scale.

Proposed Change:

Add a keybinding, column or something that enables the user to instantly see which relationship is causing the PENDING state. For bonus points, allow navigating to the process in question.

Who Benefits From The Change(s)?

Everyone that uses non-trivial config.

Alternative Approaches

Hi @srid,

You can see the list of dependencies in the process info dialog (F3).

srid commented

Ah, yes, thanks!


I'll close this issue. I do think it would be nice to show the 'current blocking process' directly in the UI; I'll think about this.