
provide `logs` sub-command for tailing process logs

adrian-gierakowski opened this issue · 6 comments

so that I could simply do process-compose logs -f my-service-name instead of: tail -f path/to/log/file.log

why: cause I don't want to remember and type in the path/to/log/file.log for each service

process-compose logs withouth the service-name should tail logs from all services


Thanks for this proposal.
Just to make sure, you are talking about a secondary (client) process-compose process that retrieves the logs from the primary (server) process-compose?

Hey @adrian-gierakowski

I added the logs tailing support in v0.43.1, but without the ability to tail all the processes at the same time.
It would have added too much complexity and created disparity with the TUI in which that is also not possible.

I hope this is not a deal breaker for you :)
Thanks again for the suggestion, this is an absolute must for process-compose!

Amazing, will give it a try later this week. Thanks!

Please create a new issue if anything is not as expected.