

Opened this issue · 4 comments

In your todo list, there is the suggestion of reducing some requirements of ircDDB. I've recently been playing with urfd a mutl-protocol reflector system, and one thing it supports is Ham-DHT - This might help you get off the ground running.


Nice! I have been wrapping my head around this for a while! I will definitely have a closer look at it.

I scrolled to your code. Not sure to understand the content your reflector software is exchanging over DHT. Can you contact me via email f4fxl at dstargateway.digital ?

Sorry, saw the comment, and forgot to come back. Alas, it's not my code, only saw it being used in another place and might help with some insight on how to use OpenDHT.

It looks like most of the DHT code is in reflector - https://github.com/n7tae/urfd/blob/6aa57a784d1c4ae75b9c3570595f3fe76aaf27d9/reflector/Reflector.cpp#L543

I'm still trying to parse how it connects to DHT, and requests a list of nodes? I'm also half using this to learn DHT as well.

Through more investigating - Basically playing with OpenDHT bindings in Python against the Ham-DHT network, this set of tools popped up - https://github.com/n7tae/ham-dht-tools

The site also provides a "spec" of sorts that might be helpful: https://github.com/n7tae/ham-dht-tools/blob/main/ham-dht-spec.md