Fill User Fixture with your own Login and Password, choose isLocal(true,false) for local and browserstack run .env file (create in root project)
Fill BrowserStack Credential Android bs.conf.ts
Fill BrowserStack Credential iOs bsiOs.conf.ts
Run tests BrowserStack Android -
npm run testBrowserStack
Run tests BrowserStack iOs -
npm run testBsIos
Go to BrowserStack Dashboard
Can be managed on bs.conf.ts just add
'bstack:options': {
projectName: "FAIMS3",
buildName: 'FAIMS3 Android',
deviceName: 'Samsung Galaxy Tab S8',
platformVersion: '12.0',
platformName: 'android',
in the capabilities array.
Can be managed on .env just add
DEVICE_NAME="iPad Pro 11 2022" or DEVICE_NAME="iPhone 14"
in the capabilities array.
For local run you need to be sure appium was run, appium-doctor doesn't have any critical issues
npm install @appium/doctor --location=global
Running appium-doctor
will check that your machine is set up properly for appium.
Appium - run npm run appium
File for run was described in wdio.conf.ts appium:app
Open Android Studio and run emulator (Freeform not supported now, use like Nexus 9 or another tablet or phone). iOs not implemented yet for local testing.
- Run tests local emulator -
npm run test
- Be sure you have one screenshot or image on emulator
- Appium versions 2.0
- Node version 18
Add the following lines to ~/.bash_profile
or equivalent.
export ANDROID_HOME=/Users/xxx/Library/Android/sdk
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home)
After Suite run was finished you can look on report - Reporter.
Create new notebook Suite - newNoteBookTablet.ts
Sing in Tests Suite - SignInTests.ts
User Tests Suite - UserTests.ts
WorkSpaceSuite - WorkSpaceTests.ts
Described by Pages pages.