
Mirror-window does not open

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Hi there!

Just built the latest version of RPIPlay on my Linux box (openSUSE Leap) and it is launching fine.
I connect to the PC from my iPad via the "Screen Mirroring"-button, the connection details get displayed as well but the corresponding "mirror-window" (window displaying the screen of my iPad) does not pop up on the PC. I installed all GStreamer-plugins as far as I am aware and I am left clueless...

This is some log-output when starting in debug-mode:

❯ ./rpiplay -d
Initialized server socket(s)
*** WARNING *** The program 'rpiplay' uses the Apple Bonjour compatibility layer of Avahi.
*** WARNING *** Please fix your application to use the native API of Avahi!
*** WARNING *** For more information see <http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/avahi-compat.html>
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 28
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request GET with URL /info
INFO len = 345561092
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request POST with URL /pair-setup
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request POST with URL /pair-verify
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request POST with URL /pair-verify
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request POST with URL /fp-setup
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request POST with URL /fp-setup
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request SETUP with URL rtsp://
DACP-ID: 3C1E64F326949AD6
Active-Remote: 841040577
Transport: null
eiv_len = 16
ekey_len = 72
fairplay_decrypt ret = 0
timing_rport = 58981
raop_ntp parse remote ip =
raop_ntp starting time
raop_rtp parse remote ip =
raop_rtp_mirror parse remote ip =
eport = 35417, tport = 57825
raop_ntp send_len = 32
raop_ntp receive time type_t packetlen = 32
raop_ntp sync correction = -1619069162689044
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request GET with URL /info
INFO len = 345561092
Accepted IPv4 client on socket 30
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request GET_PARAMETER with URL rtsp://
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request RECORD with URL rtsp://
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request SET_PARAMETER with URL rtsp://
httpd receiving on socket 28
Handling request SETUP with URL rtsp://
DACP-ID: 3C1E64F326949AD6
Active-Remote: 841040577
Transport: null
type = 110
streamConnectionID = 1508118470772805564
raop_rtp_mirror starting mirroring
Mirroring initialized successfully
raop_rtp_mirror accepting client
raop_rtp_mirror width_source = 730.000000 height_source = 972.000000 width = 762.000000 height = 1016.000000
raop_rtp_mirror sps size = 17
raop_rtp_mirror pps size = 4
raop_rtp_mirror video ntp = 1619692514040624, now = 1619692514024190, latency = -16434
raop_rtp_mirror video ntp = 1619692514073909, now = 1619692514038833, latency = -35076
raop_rtp_mirror video ntp = 1619692514090570, now = 1619692514057154, latency = -33416
raop_rtp_mirror video ntp = 1619692514107228, now = 1619692514071635, latency = -35593
# rest of the output ommitted ...

same here, with rpi renderer the window does not open., my log looks similar (no hint given, everything seems to be working but without seeing a window on the desktop).



if its gstreamer / X11

perhaps autovideosink is choosing something weird for the sink.

try editing video_renderer_gstreamer.c and change autovideosink to ximagesink or xvimagesink

OpenSUSE Tumbleweed user here, experiencing the same issue. I tried ximagesink and xvimagesink without success.

A little bit more investigation yielded the following: running GST_DEBUG=4 ./rpiplay -vr gstreamer -ar dummy -d with current master, in the GStreamer debug output it looks like the pipeline breaks after decodebin.

0:00:00.007335435   523      0x13d0200 INFO            GST_PIPELINE gst/parse/grammar.y:689:gst_parse_perform_link: linking some pad of GstDecodeBin named decodebin0 to some pad of GstVideoConvert named videoconvert0 (0/0) with caps "(NULL)"
0:00:00.007339405   523      0x13d0200 INFO        GST_ELEMENT_PADS gstutils.c:1816:gst_element_link_pads_full: trying to link element decodebin0:(any) to element videoconvert0:(any)
0:00:00.007344514   523      0x13d0200 INFO                GST_PADS gstpad.c:4314:gst_pad_peer_query:<videoconvert0:src> pad has no peer
0:00:00.007450494   523      0x13d0200 INFO        GST_ELEMENT_PADS gstelement.c:1006:gst_element_get_static_pad: no such pad 'src_%u' in element "decodebin0"
0:00:00.007459993   523      0x13d0200 INFO        GST_ELEMENT_PADS gstutils.c:1270:gst_element_get_compatible_pad:<decodebin0> Could not find a compatible pad to link to videoconvert0:sink
0:00:00.007464193   523      0x13d0200 INFO                 default gstutils.c:2206:gst_element_link_pads_filtered: Could not link pads: decodebin0:(null) - videoconvert0:(null)

Before today I knew next to nothing about GStreamer, so I could be off the mark on this, but https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28033813/unable-to-link-gstreamer-decodebin-to-jpegenc-in-application suggests that this could be due to src_%u in decodebin being only sometimes present.

Try using UxPlay 1.37 http://github.com/FDH2/UxPlay (RPiPlay fork) with
./uxplay -vs ximagesink

That works great. Thanks so much!