
How to get the editor Instance from create() ?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

monaco.editor.create(..); fails with Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'addEventListener' of null

How to access the created Editor Instance ?

I also tried to use editorMounted. But that doesn't work. There is no reaction.

<MonacoEditor width="100%" height="354" :options="options" @change="onChange" @editorMounted="onEditorMounted"></MonacoEditor>

editorMounted seems not to be executed.

I want to add an Action with

	// An unique identifier of the contributed action.
	id: 'my-unique-id',

	// A label of the action that will be presented to the user.
	label: 'My Label!!!',

	// An optional array of keybindings for the action.
	keybindings: [
		monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.F10,
		// chord
		monaco.KeyMod.chord(monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KEY_K, monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KEY_M)

	// A precondition for this action.
	precondition: null,

	// A rule to evaluate on top of the precondition in order to dispatch the keybindings.
	keybindingContext: null,

	contextMenuGroupId: 'navigation',

	contextMenuOrder: 1.5,

	// Method that will be executed when the action is triggered.
	// @param editor The editor instance is passed in as a convinience
	run: function(ed) {
		alert("i'm running => " + ed.getPosition());
		return null;

@dschiller editorMounted is not an event, just a property

The Docu describe it as: editorMounted(editor, monaco) an event emitted when the editor has been mounted (similar to mounted of Vue).

How can I achieve the Possibility to add an Action with editor.addAction({...}) ?

@dschiller I will modify the doc
You just need to make the following changes

@editorMounted => :editorMounted

I'll close the current issue

I tried your advice but I don't get it to work:



Maybe you can show an Example.

Thank's a lot!


<MonacoEditor width="100%" height="354" :options="options" @change="onChange" :editorMounted="onEditorMounted"></MonacoEditor>

Crazy. Sure - a Property. Now I understand. Was confused by your => Chars. Thank you!