
Syntax highlighting does not work

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Sorry to bother again, but I found that the syntax hightlignting does not work for me, either in normal editor and diffeditor. :-(

language the initial language of the auto created model in the editor. Defaults to javascript.

language the initial language of the auto created model in the editor. Defaults to javascript.

It should be, but I cannot see colors, here is my sample code: https://github.com/Symbolk/vue-monaco-test. I tried 2 libs in this project, but both do not properly highlight the code.

Thanks for any help!

Ref: Another lib : https://github.com/egoist/vue-monaco

I fixed this problem

I fixed this problem

Thanks for the effort! I upgraded the dependency to the latest 1.0.7 with yarn upgrade, but still see no highlighting when running with yarn serve. Can you have a look at my test repo? I cannot see what's going wrong.


You should use vue.config.js
Working with Webpack