
Property 'writeFile' does not exist on type 'FFmpegFileSystem'

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Xhale1 commented

Describe the bug
ffmpeg.fs.writeFile throws the error Property 'writeFile' does not exist on type 'FFmpegFileSystem'.

To Reproduce
Follow the readme here https://github.com/FFmpeg-wasm/FFmpeg.wasm#usage

Expected behavior
ffmpeg.fs.writeFile is documented by typescript

Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: [e.g. iOS] MacOS
  • Browser [e.g. chrome, safari] N/A
  • Version [e.g. 22] 13.5

Additional context
Running latest version of VSCode.

Sorry, I seem to have misunderstood. You mean there is an error in Typescript declaration right?

Could you try to add @types/emscripten to the devDependencies and see if the problem still exists?

I'm still working on a simpler way.

teetow commented

Not OP, but adding @types/emscripten worked for me.

wesbos commented

Same issue here, before installing @types/emscripten, I only saw these methods:


After installing I see all emscripten methods. I think your types need to be updated

Same issue here, before installing @types/emscripten, I only saw these methods:

Because we override the type signatures of these methods
This will be fixed in a new version released recently.

@wesbos @teetow @Xhale1 This problem should be fixed in v0.13.1