Cookiecutter template for Neovim plugin.
Cookiecutter (>=1.4.x) (
You can create new project of Cookiecutter template as follows.
$ cookiecutter gh:FGtatsuro/cookiecutter-neovim-plugin
project_name [Name of generated plugin]: test-project
project_description [Description of generated plugin]: Test Project
year [2018]:
author [FGtatsuro]:
$ cd test-project
$ ls -1a
You can overwrite default value of the field prompt asks with ~/.cookiecutterrc. It's better to overwrite 'author' field with your Github username.
$ cat ~/.cookiecutterrc
author: "FGtatsuro"
$ cookiecutter gh:FGtatsuro/cookiecutter-neovim-plugin
author [FGtatsuro]: