
registerFilter and processAllClasses get called again.

Froze-N-Milk opened this issue · 8 comments

While this issue has not happened to me, I've seen several teams have it, and
there doesn't seem to be a particularly apparent cause / solution.

The following errors are produced on the DriverStation:

Class processing had already started when registerFilter() was called. You must 
register your class filter before processAllClasses() is called in 

processAllClasses() should only be called by the system. Any additional calls 
are ignored.

These can only occur when the AtomicBoolean processAllClassesCalled on
org.firstinspires.ftc.robotcore.internal.opmode.ClassManager has been
set to true.

I would imagine that this is occurred by a soft restart of the application caused
by a previously caught crash.

These issues are not caused by users manually calling this process again.

There seems to be a general consensus that this issue is caused by something to
do with vision pipelines.

One team has reported that the issue was caused by low battery and a crash
related to being unable to find their webcam.

It would be helpful for teams that have experienced this issue to add their
experiences resolving it, and logcat files to this issue.