
Usage report cron throws error "Class not found"

arvvns opened this issue · 1 comments

arvvns commented

plugin version: 2022112609

Execute scheduled task: Usage report (block_xp\task\usage_report)
... started 13:46:05. Current memory use 2.5 megabaitai.
Debugging increased temporarily due to faildelay of 15360
... used 0 dbqueries
... used 0.23039293289185 seconds
Scheduled task failed: Usage report (block_xp\task\usage_report),Class 'local_xp\local\plugin\addon' not found

  • line 74 of /blocks/xp/classes/local/plugin/usage_reporter.php: call to block_xp\local\plugin\usage_report_maker->make()
  • line 64 of /blocks/xp/classes/task/usage_report.php: call to block_xp\local\plugin\usage_reporter->report()
  • line 259 of /lib/cronlib.php: call to block_xp\task\usage_report->execute()
  • line 167 of /admin/cli/scheduled_task.php: call to cron_run_inner_scheduled_task()
FMCorz commented

Hi @arvvns, thank you for reporting this! We've addressed the issue and tagged a new version 3.13.3, we will release it shortly on