Best practices TODO

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  • Proper readable and maintable code with consistent spacing and indentation
  • Functions follow the "Do One Thing" rule (single-responsibility)
  • Followed the SOLID principles (OOP)
  • Followed DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself)
  • Added comments wherever required
  • Proper naming conventions
  • Avoided deep nesting


  • Badges (similar to the Gitter badge. You can maybe use:
  • Description (why this project exists)
  • Features (working of the project)
  • Setup (Quick start instructions with how to download and use your project)
  • Contributing (How can others contribute?)
  • Thanks to (List of contributors)
  • License ("This project is licensed under the ")

Tests and CI/CD

  • Wrote tests
  • Deployed the project (if possible)
  • Added CI/CD tools to your project (maybe CircleCI or TravisCI) (if possible)