Order new FOSS@MAGIC t-shirts and display banners

jwflory opened this issue · 1 comments


Order new swag (e.g. t-shirts and roll-up display banners) for FOSS@MAGIC before summer conference season


The RIT re-branding requires we update the swag we have for FOSS@MAGIC. The only affected swag items for us are t-shirts and banners. We want these things before the summer conference season, like with OSCON 2019.


This is blocked by financial reasons for the time being. We're waiting for some funds to become available. Once we're unblocked, we can coordinate with @itprofjacobs and likely Brenda @ MAGIC to make this happen.


  • New swag that satisfies new RIT brand guidelines
  • Updated swag based on our current program sponsors / new swag to replace our depleted inventory anyways

Not sure if funding blockers are still in place, but might be a good idea to follow-up with MAGIC folks on clearing this process in time for OSCON in three weeks.