
Feature request: Automatically try to reconnect after unexpected disconnect

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Helpful when robot code restarts.

I will need to update the client to ensure that all of the keys sync once it connects instead of the server just sending what it has.
I should be done with that tonight.

Sorry that it took longer than I thought but due to my busy week I have been making lots of bugs that needed to be fixed.

2f58b5d created a problem described in #70. Please reopen!

This is a separate issue.

No, the client.setReconnectDelay(1000); causes this

What I mean is that we have implemented the feature requested by this issue, and #70 is open to address the bug in the implementation.

@rakusan2 Can you fix this? And do you mind testing more stringently in the future?

I have fixed this in wpilib-nt-client@1.7.1
And I will be getting into the habit of trying everything in the simulator before creating a pull request

Awesome, thanks Thomas! @rakusan2