App not showing anything

Closed this issue · 5 comments

What Operating System

Windows 11

Debug Code


Describe the bug

Launching the app (both standalone and through Overwolf) works, yet there is nothing to see in any of the tabs. Looking for a modpack also does not give any result. Trying to login with Microsoft account gives FTB-AUTH-000001 error code and FTB-F-AUTH-000001

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open the app
  2. Nothing is displayed in the app

Expected behaviour

The Home tab would show Featured packs, and searching for Mod pack would work too, and logging in with Microsoft account should also work


Screenshot 2024-05-13 134505

Additional information

No response

Looks like a funky firewall acting up

Do you have a way for me to check this? The only firewall, if any, should be the router provided by the provider and it hasn't given any issues before

Looks like a funky firewall acting up

From the looks of it, something is getting in the way of basically every app connection... My guess would be maybe an antivirus, windows defender blocking it or something else

I have 2 firewalls on the PC, windows defender and sophos home. Turning either of these off does not change anything

A recent update on my computer seems to have fixed this problem. Thank you for your help!