FTB App resets instances folder after Update

Yijare opened this issue · 7 comments

What Operating System

Windows 10

Debug Code

not applicable

Describe the bug

The FTB App, after Updating resets the Location of the instances folder to /AppData/local/

Steps to reproduce

Open App
Get an App Update
see your instances 'vanish'

Expected behaviour

no reset of folder localtion


No response

Additional information

No response

Hay, thanks for the issue! Unfortunately it looks like you've not provided a Debug code... We require this as it helps us find your issue as quickly as possible.

Please do the following

Please use the link below to download and run the FTB Debug tool. This is a tool built by our App Developers and will provide you a code that you need to attach to this issue. Please either edit your original issue or add a comment with this code. If you need more help running this tool, you can follow our guide on how to use the FTB Debug tool.

Windows // MacOS // Linux // Windows (Arm) // MacOS (Arm) // Linux (Arm)

The debuger you 'provide' is flagged as malicious by windows defender and malewarebytes. not happening.

No virus' detected. It's what they use. Otherwise go into your ftb app, go to settings, click App, then click Upload Logs and paste the link here.

I am also seeing the same behaviour since the latest update. To reproduce:

  1. Open the FTB App
  2. Relocate the instances folder (in my case to my games drive E:\FTBInstances)
  3. Close the app
  4. Re-open the app - the instances folder has reset back to %localappdata%\.ftba\instances

Whatever recently got changed in the config handler logic needs bug checking/reverting.

When would you like the debug logs to be taken? Just after changing the instances folder? After the app restart, when the folders reset?

I am also seeing the same behaviour since the latest update. To reproduce:

  1. Open the FTB App
  2. Relocate the instances folder (in my case to my games drive E:\FTBInstances)
  3. Close the app
  4. Re-open the app - the instances folder has reset back to %localappdata%\.ftba\instances

Whatever recently got changed in the config handler logic needs bug checking/reverting.

Could you send over the settings.json from /storage in the .ftba folder after you have edited the config but before you close the app, then the same file after closing the app, then again after starting the app?

The bug seems to have now vanished for me (fingers crossed). I wasn't keeping track of app versions (my bad) so there may have been an update pushed that I didn't notice. The only other thing I've done since was update my NVIDIA drivers, Windows Update and reboot a few times.