FTB Builders Paradise 2 - player data does not sync when playing offline

SvatoplukCech opened this issue · 1 comments



Modpack version


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Describe the bug

After playing the game with internet connection. Playing without internet connection with the same username, player data like achievements, loot chests and ProjectEs EMC including the "learned" items in the Transmutation table doesn't corespond to the progress I made earlier. Loot chests reset, EMC and learned items reset, advancements reset, just like I was a new player although inventory stays the same correctly.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Play singleplayer with internet connection
  2. Make some progress like advancements, loot some "loot chests", "burn" some items in the ProjectEs Transmutation table.
  3. Turn the game off
  4. Disconnect from the internet
  5. Start the game with the same username as before
  6. Start the same world as before
  7. See that advanctments were reset, loot chests previously looted are refilled, the Transmutation table is reset including learned items and EMC

Expected behaviour

I expected the game to remember my advancements, ProjectEs Transmutation table data aswell as which lootchest I've looted before.


No response

Additional information

The players inventory stays the same as one would expect for the same username. If you can't start the game without the internet just start it in offline mode using the button Play offline.

Ill transfer this to our App issue tracker as it looks like this may be a bug with how the app is handling playing offline