A repository of wind plant flow models connected to FUSED-Wind

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


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FUSED-Wake is a collection of wind farm flow models.


This package is in development, everything is in alpha mode. Expect dragons.


Currently FUSED-Wake has the following models implemented:


The following models are planned to be added to this library:


This package has the following dependencies * [windIO](https://github.com/rethore/windIO) * numpy & scipy * plotly (optional) * jupyter (optional) * pandas (optional)


Documentation is available online at https://fused-wake.readthedocs.org

You can build your own docs locally using the command

$ make docs




FUSED-Wake contains Fortran extensions that require a correctly configured Fortran compiler.

Windows compiler installation instructions

  • Install Intel Fortran compiler, and activate as follows:

    $ "C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\Composer XE\bin\ifortvars.bat" intel64


  • MinGW (instruction derived from here)

    1. Install numpy

    2. Install mingw-64 to c:\mingw with x86_64, chose posix, seh options

    3. Add MinGW bin folder (C:\mingw\mingw64\bin) to path variable

    4. Verify you can use gcc by typing gcc into Anaconda prompt

    5. Update your distutils configuration file to indicate you are using MinGW:

    6. into either one of the following configuration files:

      • c:\Anaconda\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg
      • <user_folder>\AppData\Local\Continuum\Miniconda3\Lib\distutils\distutils.cfg

Installing dependencies in a conda environment

Avoid conda and pip taking over packages from each other at random moments:

conda install numpy scipy pandas jupyter plotly
conda install -c conda-forge utm --no-deps
pip install sphinx-fortran --no-deps

And the windIO dependency:

git clone https://github.com/rethore/windIO.git
cd windIO
pip install -e ./ --no-deps

Finally, build and install FUSED-Wake:

git clone https://github.com/FUSED-Wind/FUSED-Wake.git
cd FUSED-Wake
pip install -e ./ --no-deps

Installing simply using pip

pip install numpy scipy pandas jupyter plotly utm sphinx-fortran

And the windIO dependency:

git clone https://github.com/rethore/windIO.git
cd windIO
pip install -e ./

Finally, build and install FUSED-Wake:

git clone https://github.com/FUSED-Wind/FUSED-Wake.git
cd FUSED-Wake
pip install -e ./


Local tests

You can run the tests for your python environment using

$ make tests

All tests

You can run all the tests for all the suported python versions

$ make all-tests


You can test if there are some flake8 issues

$ make lint


This package was created with Cookiecutter and the audreyr/cookiecutter-pypackage project template.